Fashion for the fall. Here you have the Humps and the dumps:
HUMPS:* Buttoned-up cotton shirts, proper tucked in
* Patterned Caps
* Denim-fit Chinos
* Classics like:
- Hat
- Watch (eg Breitling, OMEGA, Bulgari)
- Scarf
- Suit
- Cardigan
* Ed Hardy - Probably the highest ranked brand in the States for rich people and the everyday people that wants something limited. If you like the style - enjoy it now, it's at it's top. Soon I belive it will fall just like Von Dutch did.
Brands to have a look at: Filippa K, Acne, Ed Hardy (if you wanna spice the classic outfit), Dockers, Dickies, Boss, Sand, Dior, Paul & Friends
DUMPS:* Low V-neck
* Giant logos on your clothes
* Linen Pants
* Tight Laces
* Bandana on your head
* Big colourful accessories
Sources: Complex by Marc Ecko Enterprices (USA), Stil by Nordiska Kompaniet (SWE), KING Magazine (SWE), BON and my own perspective and thoughts.