Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New haircut

Tonight I finally got my hair fixed. At Kameleonten, by a girl called Caroline. I truely recommend her! I've been really happy about a haircut only two times as I can remember. Today is definitly one of them! Got some colour and a new very nice haircut.

I'm having a cold. The first sickness since I got back from Australia. I'm tired and my noose is like a human tap. Annoying.

On sunday I am going to do some BodyPump at SATS. I hope I'm gonna enjoy it so I can continue losing weight and gaining strength.

Favourite song at the moment is Curly Sue by the Swedish rock band Takida. I started to listen to Takida 6-7 years ago. They were a demo band for years and years! Had gigs all the time and worked so hard. Now, when I'm back in Sweden I realize that they are being played on most of Swedens biggest radio stations. That's awesome! All the luck to you guys!

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