Monday, April 28, 2008

I miss Australia

Some days I just can't find a way to not think about or miss Australia. The country that I lived in for almost one year. The year of 2007. A weird year. A good year. A bad year. A very different year. A hot year. A wonderful year. A crazy year. But the only thing that I want to go back for would be to see my friends and 'family' - Lizzie, Erika, Viv, Shaun and his family, the girls at TAFE - Claire, Renee, T... you know who you are, the ones that really matters. I would like to live in that climate again, but not necesserily in australia. Will I ever go back? Go back to Sunny Coast.

One tv-series that I followed as a maniac was the amercan serie "Life" it has finally arrived in Sweden as well! I just loved it! And the commercial before the program started they used Delta Goodrems song 'In this life'. This youtube clip with the song that I found is from the Mourning Show on Channel 7 that I watched every morning. Listen to the wonderful accent! Im afraid that Im about to lose my aussie accent - I hope not!

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