Sunday, April 13, 2008

Best night out this far 2008

Last friday I left work straight to the Central Station. I was on my way to Västerås (one of swedens biggest cities, also called Western Aros in my earlier posts) where some friends were getting ready for some party. Because of an excident I got stuck on the train and got to Västerås about 9 pm. I was starving! After some food my mood were much better. We became seven people on a 'before-party' and then we walked just a couple of hundred meters to the best and 'coolest' place - Blue Moon Bar. SInce it was friday and the third weekend after salary it wasnt as full as the last time I was there but still people dancing on all three (!) dancefloors. I had such a great time! We went to the bar, then dancing on all the dancefloors, the bar, dancing, the bar and then dancing til they closed the doors. It was great music, great friends, good vibe on the place (much more relaxed than overfull saturdays) - just awesome. Afterwards we continued at a friends place and crashed in the living room.

The day after we had brunch at Kalle på Spången and then we had some ten pin bowling happening at Strike. Went pretty well for me until the last round. Then I was too tired to get it going the way I wanted. I am having such a pain in my right arm and left bum, down the thigh... Start training more than just walking to work!

Thanks for a great weekend, everyone involved!

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