Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby. Kids. You know, that package.

When people are starting to get babies around you - you wake up - and with what reaction? I freak out. Panic. Wants to crawl underground or why not go out partying like an 18 yo?

In Australia I was on my first baby shower. Felt like just a couple of weeks after we got to know that she was pregnant, but she had Ellie just two weeks later!

This time it's someone of opposite gender. Someone that I dreamt about having a family life together with. That was six years ago and I was only a kid. Now Im the same age as he was then. And he is having a family, house, giant car - you know the whole package. What happen? What happened to these last six years? Heck a lot, but still, it doesnt feel so far away.

Second age freak out in six months. How can you slow time down?

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