Sunday, March 2, 2008

Australian Idol

Tonight the last part/group competition for Swedens competition to choose the alternative for the Eurovision Song Contest. One of the performances tonight started off with a trumpet player (rest of the song was crap) and I started thinking about Australian Idol 2007. My favourite Carl Riseley had only been playing trumpet until just a short while before I auditioned for Australian Idol. His mission was to bring swing back. This is one of my favourite perfomances from him (he finished on third place):

And in the first round when the people in Australia could choose their favourites by voting, he definatly opened my eyes for him by singing Home with Micheal Buble:

Another really good artist was 16 (!) yo Matt Corby. He sang more or less the same sort of songs until he sang Evermores - It's too late. I loved that song before. I reckon he do a better job of it, believe it or not. Matt ended up on second place after Nathalie. Here is It's too Late by Matt corby:

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