Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TV Shows

I have never really been in to watching tv and tv shows. But when I came to Australia I started watching tv and movies like never before! My favourite series are Life an american actionish crimeseries and through my swedish friend Carro I started watching Rove every sunday evening @ 9 PM.

It took me more than a couple of episodes to like it, but as soon as that I just had to watch it every sunday! My favourite episode are when the comedians Hamish and Andy arrives to a Brissie Caravan Park after two weeks in a caravan driving from Perth (western australia) to Brissie "The Caravan of Courage" (I think they drove like 600 km/day). So they decided to broadcast from the caravan Park. With gusts like Good Charlotte and James Blunt e.g.

I never really liked James Blunt and thought he was a pretty boring person until I saw this:

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