Monday, January 28, 2008


During my year in Australia, I spent a lot of time complaining about silly and stupid things in Australia compared to Sweden. One of the biggest things were about the traffic. At least on the Sunny Coast the intrastructure was terrible, but mostly about drinking and taking drugs and driving. But! There is two things that are good in Australia in traffic but not excisting in Sweden:

1. Talking in mobile while driving.
In Sweden you can talk and drive without any legal problems. In Denmark e.g you can only drive if you use a headset. In Australia you are not allowed to talk in the phone while driving at all!

2. Bicycle with helmet. In Australia you have to wear a helmet when you bicycle. In Sweden you have to wear a helmet until you are 15 yo. Silly. Either permitted or not.

Song of the day:

Moi Lolita - Julien Doré

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