Sunday, June 15, 2008

Turn back time

I wish I could turn back time. Five weeks back. When life was alright. Pretty good. Nothing really to complain about. I could eat and sleep. I was comfortable and pretty nice. I haven't been sleeping or eating well for a bit more than two weeks. Yesterday and today I haven't been eating almost anything, I just can't force myself. Haven't been sleeping either. Or being able to do anything. for 14 hours I haven't done anything more than a morning smoothie all day. Now it's time for bed. I hope I won't have to spend the night at the toilet. I hope I can sleep. Otherwise I don't know if I'll be able to stand up at work tomo. Just let me disappear for a while. I don't wanna go away alone. But the only one I want to leave with can't. Or don't want to. I don't know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But there are people who love you, remember that my dearest. Kramar