Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm packing my bag. A bag for a trip, a trip that includes planes. I just found my passport! On really early Saturday morning C and I are leaving Stockholm, Sweden for a weekend in Luxembourg with his friend Hugo and beautiful Italian girlfriend Rosaria. I hope it won't be raining too much.

Sadly my left hip is not doing to well. Shouldn't be sitting just walking or laying down. So tomorrow at lunch I'm going to fix my muscles, then buying lots of muscle relaxing gel's for the weekend.

Why I'm not writing so much at the moment? I'm studying 75% and having the last two giant tests next week and having a rather new job on 50-100% that has been taking too much time these weeks.

Give me a couple of weeks and everything will be fine again. Until then I'll keep doing things I never do: forgetting my keys or mobile phone in different places, jumping on the wrong train, not getting off a train in time, hurting myself, dropping things, smashing plates (not on purpose), being hyper or completely zero'd and so on...

I will be back in my old strong me soon, I promise! Until then, take care!


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