Since I'm getting more and healthy I'm also getting more and more close to my life before. My life before was filled with events and spontaneous happenings. My life for the last 6-12 months has been less and less outgoing, going to less events and only attending planned stuff. There are of course good and bad parts about going back to previous ways of living. So now I'm trying to figure out a life inbetween.
Anyhow, this weekend. Went to C, went shopping, he made the best pizza with every part of the pizza made by him (terrible wine though....), then we went to a opening night of an exhibition/photo battle with 10 of Sweden's best fashion photographers. For more information check this
We left quit early to Cobra Bar where my ex Art Director
Fredrik from a past job had a good bye party/Dj session. It was good seeing him again, talking some shit and wishing him good luck in New York at a practice for six months! It's all his fault why I enjoy house music, he played fantastic tunes whilst we where there. You can follow his journey on the NudeYork website in a few days, I'll keep you posted.

Today I was supposed to go shopping for some birthday dinners with my pears, but I got this migraine so it was just to jump right into the bed and sleep for almost six hours with some pills... I missed out on the swim training session as well, that's the worse part. I really enjoy it and calling 1,5 h before and cancel is probably not popular for a five-six yo kid...
Now I'll try to watch a couple of old Sex and the City episodes and then sleeeep!